The Friendship Circle — Blog — 6 Wheels Consulting

The Friendship Circle

The Friendship Circle Orientation

Recently, 6 Wheels Consulting was excited to participate in the orientation program for The Friendship Circle of Virginia.  The Friendship Circle program matches youth with disabilities with youth without disabilities to hang out together.  This happens in many ways.  The pairs and the community can participate in program-sponsored events and they can also hang out at the youth’s house as part of the Friendship Circle’s Friends at Home program.  This program sees that the matches come together for 1 hour a week to hang out at the youth’s home.  The programs that are a part of The Friendship Circle are so vital because for young people with disabilities making friends can be challenging for a variety of reasons.    

As part of the orientation 6 Wheels gave its disability sensitivity training to the young people who were in attendance. This training covered a variety of topics including person first language, tips for interacting with individuals with a variety of disabilities, tips for you to feel personally more comfortable around individuals with disabilities, learning about inclusion and how to be inclusive.

 We were very grateful for the opportunity to present this important information and hope that it helped the youth understand disabilities on a deeper level.

             If you would like to learn more about The Friendship Circle of Virginia and its programs we encourage you to visit their website HERE


Again, we thank The Virginia Friendship Circle for the opportunity to be involved in this great event.


As always, stay connected to what is happening with 6 Wheels Consulting by following us on our social media pages.   We have more great programs and talks coming up in the near future so please stay tuned.



PHOTO: Matthew presents to the group at The Friendship Circle Orientation.

PHOTO: Matthew presents to the group at The Friendship Circle Orientation.

PHOTO: The Friendship Circle of Virginia Logo

PHOTO: The Friendship Circle of Virginia Logo