Got Transition Youth Advisory Board — Blog — 6 Wheels Consulting

Got Transition Youth Advisory Board

Selected: 2016/2017 Leadership Metro Richmond Quest Program and GOT Transition Advisory Board

The good news just keeps rolling in for us.  Do you see what I did there? J I have been selected for two more major opportunities.   First, I will be a member of the 2016-2017 Leadership Metro Richmond class.   Additionally, I have been appointed to the GOT Transition Advisory Board.

According to their website the Quest program is “LMR's flagship program in its 36th year, connects diverse leaders, increases their knowledge and perspectives on regional issues, and inspires servant leadership, inclusion and collaboration. Quest will take your leadership to the next level. The program runs September through June.”  Being a member of the Quest program will open my eyes to all of the possibilities that Richmond has to offer.   We will be going on a variety of trips throughout the 10-month program that will show us all of the corners of the region.   I am also looking forward to the opportunity to network and connect, with not only my classmates, but also all of the speakers and community leaders we will meet along the way.   I am extremely excited for the opportunities and doors that the Quest program will open for 6 Wheels Consulting. I can’t wait for the program to begin in September.

 Being a member of the GOT Transition Advisory Board will allow me to break into the healthcare space with 6 Wheels Consulting. On this board I will be serving in two capacities the first being as a member of Kids as Self Advocates or KASA and the second as 6 Wheels Consulting.   This appointment will be a paid position and will allow me to interact with young people with and without disabilities regarding their transition from youth healthcare to adult healthcare.  To give you some more information I thought I would include the press release below announcing the formation of the group.  Enjoy.




















                                                           FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                Media Contact
          Dan Beck (202.223.1500,



Washington, D.C. (June 22, 2016) –   Got Transition/Center for Health Care Transition Improvement is pleased to announce the formation of a new National Young Adult Transition Advisory Group. Twelve young adults with and without disabilities between the ages of 18-25 have been chosen to advise Got Transition on young adult perspectives on the important transition from pediatric to adult health care services. Members of the Advisory Group are diverse in their ages, geographic locations, and ethnic backgrounds. They represent a unique group of national and state organizations, including Able South Carolina’s Center for Independent Living, Bacchus/Furman University, California Department of Social Services, Foster Club, Kids as Self Advocates, Special Olympics International, The Arc, United Cerebral Palsy, Young Invincibles, and Youth Move National.


As part of the National Young Adult Transition Advisory Group, these twelve members will ensure that young adult perspectives are included in Got Transition’s plans moving forward. They will provide a critical voice in reviewing tools designed to educate and inform young adults on the importance of health care transition. The Advisory Group members will guide Got Transition’s social media and other communication platforms to relay important health care transition-related messages and resources to youth and young adults nationwide, and will help strengthen Got Transition’s partnerships with their organizational affiliates.


Got Transition is dedicated to expanding the availability of high quality health care transition services in pediatric and adult health care practices and health plans. It is committed to involving young adults in designing transition strategies and producing materials and messages. Through quarterly conference calls, virtual trainings, and leadership development, Got Transition’s new National Young Adult Transition Advisory Group will play a critical role in ensuring that the voices of young adult consumers are heard in the development of health care transition resources and processes. Through the Advisory Group’s contributions, Got Transition will be able to better support the positive health outcomes of young adults as they transition to adulthood.






Got Transition/Center for Health Care Transition Improvement is a cooperative agreement between the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and The National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health. Our aim is to improve transition from pediatric to adult health care through the use of new and innovative strategies for health professionals and youth and families. For more information, go to and follow Got Transition on Facebook and Twitter. 



These two amazing opportunities will allow me to continue to get the word out about 6 Wheels Consulting.   I look forward to getting started and making the biggest impact with both new opportunities.  If you would like to learn more about both of my new activities, please visit their websites at HERE and HERE respectively.

             Thank you and we look forward to sharing with you more about these opportunities as they get underway. all over our social media pages.  Stay tuned.

PHOTO: Leadership Metro Richmond Logo

PHOTO: Leadership Metro Richmond Logo

PHOTO: GOT Transition Logo

PHOTO: GOT Transition Logo